Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! We wanted to give a quick update on how well Liam is doing.

We traveled down to Duke last week for Liam to have some urological and neurological tests completed. He passed his urodynamics test with flying colors. He even managed to stay still while they completed the hour and half test, which was a miracle. He didn't seem to be too bothered by the whole experience even though Ian and I felt horrible through the whole thing. Luckily, they let us stay with him the whole time so that helped him and us both. His urologist said that his kidneys and bladder are completely normal. Many mylo babies and adults have both bladder and kidney problems and we feel completely blessed that they are functioning normally for now. He is off of his antibiotic that he has taken since he was a few days old. The antibiotic was taken as a precautionary until this test was completely so he wouldn't get a kidney infection. He was very tired afterwards and just wanted to cuddle so of course I obliged.

Waiting for the results from the test

While we were waiting for the next round of test we took a break and had a family photo-op in front of the hospital's Christmas decorations and fed a very hungry and tired baby.

A very tired Baby Liam after his first test was complete
He next had two ultrasounds. By this point he was a wiggle worm and tired of being messed with but he never got fussy or cried. He just wouldn't lay still. We were fortunate that the technician was patient and let him move around a bit. We truly do have a calm and happy baby.

 We head back the end of January for him to meet with spina bifidia clinic (his four specialists). Hopefully, it won't snow can however, snow any other time so Mommy can have snow days with her lovebug. 

Liam is changing and growing every day. He is more vocal than ever before. He laughs, coos and talks up a storm all day. He has also learned how to roll over! Liam finally hit the double digits in weight...we never thought that would happen! 

Liam likes laughing at Mommy's funny faces

Snuggle time :)

Liam made his theatrical debut as Baby Jesus in the church cantata. He managed to steal everyone's hearts and didn't even cry once! There were however joyful tears from more than a few audience members. 

Liam met Santa for the first time with his big cousin, Carter. 

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas with their loved ones. Please take time to remember the true meaning of the season. We thank God every day for our "miracle baby" and know that without God's grace and everyone's prayers Liam would not be doing as well as he is. We are filled with joy everyday.