Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ladies Man

Liam once again had another great day yesterday. He was weaned off another fluid and his food intake was increased. He is now just hooked up to one IV to help with his sugar. Luckily the IV goes in through his belly button so he doesn't feel a thing. He is eating the full amount of food for his age/size. He gets 1 oz every three hours and has been tolerating it well.

His head did increase in size some so they are keeping a close look at it. So far he is acting the same and it doesn't seem to be bothering him.  They will continue to measure his head and monitor his behavior; if they see any change in how he acts, his breathing, or his heart-rate then it may be the result of fluid build-up on his brain, which would require a shunt.  Right now, they're just going to monitor.


Yesterday we got settled into the Ronald McDonald House. It was nice to be able to unpack and get settled. It's about 15 minutes from the hospital in New Jersey and we can come and go as we please.

Last night we met with Lisa and Micah who live in Philadephia. They are friends with some members of Mill Creek. It was nice meeting them and introducing Liam to them. They both thought he was adorable and were pleased to hear how well he was doing. We plan to meet up with them sometime for dinner in the future. Thanks Judy and Mary for the introduction!

Liam's nurse last night, Ben, grew up in Lynchburg. It was nice to see a fellow Virginian. He used to run at Sweet Briar and told us that he could give us a ton of things and places to see on the cheap in Philly. He is about 6'4'' and Liam looks even tinier when he is holding him. For such a big guy he sure does have a way with the babies. When Ian called at 1:30 am to check on Liam, Ben told him we "have the coolest kid ever". We couldn't agree more!

The nurses bundle him up but a leg or arm always make their way out.

The nurses that have had him in the past are always stopping by and checking up on him. They are completely in love with him and think he is the most adorable thing. They just love their little peanut! If this is any indication to our future we'd better watch out because he is going to be a heartbreaker and ladies man!

He still pretty much sleeps, eats, and poops but hey that is what preemie babies are supposed to do! We are off to get ready to head to see our little man. Have a great day!

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