Thursday, June 5, 2014

One year later

In June 2013, Ian and I learned during our 20 week ultrasound that our son would be born with Spina Bifida, a birth defect of the spine that causes paralysis and affects many body functions. We were rushed to specialists in Roanoke and then later on to Philadelphia. We were scared, heartbroken and incredibly nervous on to what the future would hold. 

"For I know that plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29.11

One year ago --

We learned that we were having a son.
We learned that he was not what we expected.
We gave him a name.
We prayed.

One year ago --

We didn't know how blessed we were.

Our life has been changed forever since having Liam and we wouldn't have it any other way. Our new "normal" consists of  countless doctors appointments and therapy sessions. I can pack for trips to Duke in minutes and I'm pretty sure Ian could drive to Raleigh with his eyes closed if he had to. We have all gotten used to the trips of staying in hotels and hospital rooms. A year ago it all seemed like too much to handle but now it is the norm. 

Ian and I didn't know a year ago how much we would love being "Momma" and "Dada". Liam is all personality and makes us laugh every day till we have stomach aches. He has brought us so much joy and love that we feel we could burst at any moment. The "hard" days of dealing with Spina Bifida are few and far between. We wouldn't change a thing about Liam including his Spina Bifida. He is defined by his experiences and how he reacts to them. Everyone that has met Liam knows how much of a fighter he is. He has been working hard proving doctors wrong since the day he was born. Every piece of him (including his scars) is beauty.

So here's to Liam for making our dreams of being parents come true and for making every day wonderful!

P.S. On a sad note our beloved dog, Spence, passed away last week. He was our first "baby" and a wonderful big brother to Liam. He will be greatly missed.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how reading this I can both smile/laugh and feel tears in my eyes. Liam is so adorable, and so lucky to have you both helping him out. I know that when i say that you are thinking "no, we are lucky to have HIM". And that simple thought demonstrates why Liam is so very lucky. I am sad to hear about the passing of your first "baby" but I am glad he got to meet Liam and help you guys out. Keep up the good work! Love the blog.. Liam is so cute!
