Thursday, October 3, 2013

Halfway home

Liam was discharged today and we couldn't be more happy/scared! We were nervous going to the hospital this morning since we knew he had a couple of Brady's during the night. The nurse said it could go either way but she personally felt he was good to go home. 

The doctor arrived and told us that she believes the Brady's aren't a big deal and he will out grow them. She gave us the go ahead to take him home today. Boy were we excited and nervous at the same time. We joked with the NP if she could give us a manual for him! No luck there!

We hope and pray for the other NICU babies in his pod. We will continue to pray for them and their parents and hope that they will be big and healthy soon and can leave as well. They definitely helped the time go by faster and who else can relate better than them. 

Right now we are getting into West Virginia on I-81. The trip so far has been good and we are about 4 hours in. Only 3 or 4 more hours to go! We made two stops so far to get him out of the car seat and then to feed him. He slept through his first breath of fresh air. I guess he wasn't that impressed!

We will update again once we are all settled at home in a few days. 

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