Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Camper Family! We are feeling extra blessed these days and have a lot to be thankful for. Liam is doing wonderfully and is changing so much everyday. We know that things could have gone a lot differently which makes us even more grateful this holiday season.

We want to thank all of our family and friends for their continuous prayers for Liam. We truly believe that everyone's prayers are the reason he is doing so well.

Here is a short update on Liam in pictures because we know that is what people like the most.

1. Our little peanut is catching up fast in the weight department. He is no longer just skin and bones. Oh does the boy have some jelly rolls on his thighs and arms. He is quite our little chunky monkey rounding in at just under 9 lbs (he's tripled his birth weight)!

Our little peanut at CHOP

Look at those cheeks!

2. Spence and Liam are still best buds and enjoy taking naps together.

3. Liam has started smiling, cooing and giggling which we can't get enough of.

4. Bath time is still an all time favorite of Liam's.

5. We have also learned that Liam LOVES music. His mobile plays classical music and he gets very upset whenever it turns off. He coos, giggles and "dances" when he is listening to any type of music. Maybe he will be a musician one day?!

This is a video capture of Liam giggling while listening to music

Overall, we have a lot to be thankful for this year. Ian has started back to work full time in his office and Allison heads back to work this week. We are both looking forward to celebrating Liam's first Christmas in a short few weeks. We head back to Duke in mid December for Liam to have some tests and a procedure completed. Please continue to pray for him and that everything goes well. 

We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear our little peanut is doing so well. Can't wait to hear the giggles and cooing. We look forward to the awesome progress Liam is making and continue to pray for the progress that he is making.
    Kenny, Brittney, Chance, and Cheyenne
