Monday, October 21, 2013

Sorry for the delay...we are doing GREAT!

Sorry for the delay. We have been adjusting to life at home with a cute baby! We are doing great and are loving being a family of Spence the dog!

Liam loves bath time!
We just got home from Liam's pediatrician appointment. Just wait till you hear how much he weighs! Ian and I were taking bets on how much he weighs. Well, we both lost. We both figured he would be 5 lbs something, but wait for it...he weighs 6 lbs 3 oz. What happened to our little peanut?!? We knew he was getting bigger because the majority of his preemie clothes don't fit anymore but unfortunately the newborn clothes are still a little big. We have been rolling up pant legs like crazy over here!

Lounging at the doctor's office. He is a
very laid back baby!

He is eating like a champ and the pediatrician actually recommended upping his ounces in order for him to sleep better at night. While he sleeps excellently during the day, he was getting up quite a lot in the middle of the night. We hope this helps because Mommy and Daddy are very tired these days. Where are all of the NICU nurses that called dibs on feeding him? We could use them now...road trip anyone!

This is what happens when Mommy goes
to the store...Daddy and Baby do selfies!
The doctor was impressed once again at how well he is doing. He is awake for periods of time now to which we love. He loves reading books and laying on his play mat. Luckily, he isn't a fussy baby. He is pretty happy most of the time. He only cries when he is hungry. He is moaner and a groaner but we will take it over crying all day long.

Monkey see..monkey do

Liam has met all of his cousins, aunts and uncles and even his great-grandparents! We have had a steady flow of people at the house and love introducing everyone to Liam. Everyone is already in love with him...I have a feeling someone is going to be spoiled and it might not be from Mommy and Daddy.

Carter holding Liam and the bag of trains he gave him!

Liam and Spence, our dog, are still getting along great! Spence is never too far away from Liam unless someone is in the kitchen cooking. He is a lab afterall. They even take naps together! Spence sleeps outside of Liam's room each night and immediately smells him whenever we walk in the door from the doctors appointments or errands.


Liam still has to stay away from crowds of people for some time still. The doctor said once he gets his immunizations he should be able to go out more, which will be in a couple of weeks. We still have to be careful though, especially with flu season. Don't worry Mill Creek, your stop will be one of the first ones we make! We can't wait to come to church and introduce Liam to y'all and thank you for all the prayers.

Daddy and Liam

Mommy and Liam

We have a lot of appointments for Liam next week. On Wednesday we meet with Early Intervention to work on getting him his physical therapy setup. He hasn't had any since we left CHOP. We have been stretching his legs daily but he still needs his PT time. On Thursday we will be at DUKE all day meeting with the Spina Bifida Clinic. He will meet with a team of specialists. We hope to gain more knowledge on his condition and what to expect for the future. Right now we are enjoying the calm before the storm so to speak before all the doctor appointments overload us. We promise to update once we are home from that trip. Thankfully, Liam doesn't seem to mind the car ride (he did travel 9 hours on his first car ride).

Six weeks old

We will also post pictures of Liam in his Halloween costume next week. It's adorable. Sorry for the long post but we know everyone wants an update (yes, we got the hint that we needed to update) and of course everyone wants to see tons of pictures.

1 comment:

  1. So adorable! I am thrilled to see how well Liam is thriving at home with you all! We have had a hectic week but we are finally settled in the PCU (progressive care unit) where we will learn all we need to get Evie home. It makes me so happy to see how great Liam is doing!
