Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tomorrow is discharge day!

Praise the good Lord that tomorrow is discharge day! The doctor said that as long as he continues to have a good day/night that he will be discharged sometime tomorrow afternoon. We feel very blessed to have only been here for 3.5 weeks in NICU when the doctors told us he would be here for at least 6-8 weeks. The doctors at CHOP have set us up with Duke where he will have his spina bifida treatments. We will be making a trip there sometime in the next few weeks for his first round of doctors appointments. 

We can't wait to get home but we know tomorrow will be a very long day. Let's pray Liam lets us sleep for a couple hours once we are home. 

We have a lot of errands to run today and packing to do today. Please pray for safe travels, patience and for wisdom as we finally will be caring for him full time. 

He won't be allowed to go to places with lots of people/crowds for a while because he is so small and his immune system is vulnerable. However, once we are settled we are open to guests at the house as long as they have no snuffles and don't have smoke on them. We will be the germ police for sure!

See you in Virginia. Daddy is happy that he will be able to watch the Braves in the post season with his little man and Mommy is happy that she will see the leaves change. 


  1. Amazing news! Prayers tomorrow goes smoothly.

  2. So happy for you guys. Everyone at Cave Spring misses you at school, but for now we are just glad to have you back to Virginia! Let's pray a "peaceful car ride" will be another one of Liam's miraculous accomplishments! :)
    --Adrienne Snead

  3. wow! I had no idea all the things that were going on across the room from me and Evie! We will miss you, but we will keep Liam in our thoughts as he makes more and more progress. Hope your trip home was sweet and uneventful.
