Friday, September 13, 2013

A beautiful thing...

Liam had another good day yesterday! He was still working on his jersey shore tan and impressing all the ladies. The nurses in his NICU area keep calling him their "little peanut" because he is just so tiny. He is the smallest one in his unit right now by a long shot.

Yesterday was pretty un-eventful which we will take. His bilirubin levels had come down from the day before but the doctors wanted to be safe than sorry so they left him under the lights to work on his tan for one more day. They also increased his feeding amount and he was able to handle it without upsetting his stomach.

The doctors just did their rounds for this morning and once again he gets an A+! Orthopedics and Neurology have both released him until he is in the outpatient program. Which is just amazing! The physical therapist stopped by this morning as well and said that she sees "beautiful things" when working with him. He is self-soothing himself very nicely and she is really excited about this since most preemies have problems with this. He really likes "hugging" his blankets to stay calm. The PT also noticed wonderful movement in his hips, knees and said that his ankles are very flexible as well. He is also taking to the pacifier very nicely which is a good sign. Most myelo (short for myelomeningocele, Liam's form of spina bifida) babies have issues with sucking and oral problems but once again Liam is proving everyone wrong!

The doctors are focused on getting him bigger. Allison's milk is still not fully in and that is starting to slow up how much food they can give him. Lets all pray that her milk comes in full force soon so this baby boy can grow. The doctors remind us that he still has a long way to go but they are very happy with how well he is doing. Everyone's prayers are being answered.

Allison was able to hold Liam for an hour and half last night and it was the best time of her life. At times its hard just sitting here watching him in his isolette but luckily he has had great nurses that allow us to help out as much as possible. Ian has now changed two poopy diapers. Ian-2 Allison -0. Ian says the next one is for Mommy and he's keeping tabs!

We are still waiting to get into the Ronald McDonald house.  The host family didn't work out; we were on the third floor of a house built in 1847 with no AC.  Not the best place for someone recovering from having a C-section. We are spending our nights either at the hospital in sleeping rooms or at a hotel. We feel rather nomadic right now but hopefully that will change soon. More updates to come...

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