Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our little peanut is growing!

Liam has finally gained some weight. He now weighs  a whole 3 lbs 13 oz! If he continues to grow for 2 more days then he finally gets to wear some clothes. Eventually, once he can regulate his own body temperature in his clothes then he can come out of the isolette. One baby step at a time.

I do have eyeballs; they are big like daddy's but are like in color to mommy's (for now).

We had visitors this weekend from back home! The Hendersons drove up to meet Liam. They were nice enough to bring us some more clothes from home that Mer packed for us. It was extremely nice seeing familiar faces from home. We have been up here over 2 weeks now and are starting to get very homesick. This definitely helped us in that department!

There really isn't too much new to report here. So we will leave this short post with some pics!

Halfway smiling at Mommy and Daddy!

I'm tired of all these pictures...just let me sleep!
This is Liam's favorite part of the day too!

1 comment:

  1. We are continuing to pray for Baby Liam, and you two, as you await his growth and the business of getting back home! We call Liam our Miracle baby of Mill Creek! God is surely seeing you through this all and we're all seeing His hand in this and on Liam! We all look forward to meeting Liam once you get back home! May the blessings continue!

    Sheila & Rob States
