Wednesday, September 18, 2013

To Shunt or Not to Shunt

We arrived at the hospital this morning right when the doctor was doing her rounds. She told us that he is still doing pretty well. They want to lessen his fluids and fortify his milk so he can get more calories which will enable him to gain some weight. So far he has only lost weight. She also told us for the second day in a row his head circumference was increasing. She ordered a head ultrasound to see if it is normal growth or if there is fluid buildup. If there is more fluid then he may be scheduled to have a brain shunt depending on how severe it is. The technician didn't perform the ultrasound until late this afternoon so the results won't be ready till tomorrow.

Liam slept just like this through his whole ultrasound and never moved. 

We have prepared ourselves for the possibly but it never makes you happy when you hear that your baby might have to have another surgery. Liam would have to be intubated again and we hope that he won't have to stay that way for long. He has worked so hard to get where he is at breathing on his own. We would have to take a leap backwards.

Please pray that he either doesn't have to have the surgery or that if he does it goes as well as possible. We are heading to the hospital first thing in the morning in order to be at his side when the doctor does her rounds.

He also had a physical therapy treatment today. He has had a couple already and the therapists seems to be pretty happy with how he is improving and all that he can do already. He was awake for about an hour and for a preemie that is a long time. His sugar dropped after his therapy and the nurse believes that he was under stress because of all the work he had to do. Luckily, he was able to regulate it back up once he had a feeding.

Liam has a preemie pacifier but it still covers half his face.
We will let everyone know something once we do. Pray hard!

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