Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Countdown Begins...

The clock has started....if all goes as planned, Liam will make his debut tomorrow morning.  We just heard from the doctor that they aren't taking any more chances and they want to do the C-section tomorrow morning.  They are going to keep monitoring his heart and if everything looks OK, they'll wait until tomorrow to deliver him to give the last dose of steroids to take affect so his lungs will be ready.

It is a wonderful to finally get some answers and a timeline.  There's been so much speculation and uncertainty that a tremendous burden was lifted off us when the doctor told us.  Yes, we're scared and anxious but we're also finally at peace since we've arrived.

Liam will be born 8-weeks early so we know there's going to be a long, tough road ahead of us.  But, he'll be in one of the best NICU's in the country and we know he has a great support network behind him.  We're excited to finally meet him; if all we can do is sit beside an incubator, we'll take it as long as he's on his way to a full recovery.

The next 24-hours are going to be chaotic to say the least.  We'll try to post pictures and updates as we get time.

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