Tuesday, September 24, 2013

All is well here.

Sorry for not updating the blog in the last couple of days. There isn't much new to report here. Liam now weights a little over 4 lbs. You can tell he is getting more meat on his bones especially when looking at his cute little tummy.

I love to stretching and making funny faces! 

They are no longer feeding him continuoulsy. He is not back to the normal schedule just yet, they are weaning him a little bit at a time. So far his sugar has remained steady, which is great.  His head circumference has also remained stable, so still no need for the shunt!

The nurses and doctors decided not to put him in clothes just yet. He is still having a few apnea episodes and they don't want to clothe him just to have to take him out of them. We are trying our best to be patient on that front. The sooner he has clothes on the sooner he can try to work his way out of the isolette. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

Lounging on my snuggly pillow
Liam was very feisty today. Boy are we going to have our hands full when we get home. He was wide awake for his longest time to date and putting on a show.  When we first got to his bed this morning, he was making all sorts of faces and concentrating really hard on something.  Allison found out why when she went to change his diaper!  We now know what he pooping face looks like.  He also got too hot during his cuddle time with daddy. Apparently daddy radiates too much heat for Liam and he let all of us know. He got so mad his heart rate shot up and his monitors were going crazy. Once we all realized he was hot and mad we put him back in his isolette to cool down. He was fine after that!  His skin was bright red, almost like a sunburn.  That's how hot he got on Ian's chest. Daddy will no longer be doing kangaroo care and will hold him with his shirt on from here on out!

I got all my blankets dirty so Mommy had to hold me while my nurse changed my bedding
Boy are our hands going to be full when we bring this little guy home. Liam is a riot already!

Finally sleeping after an exciting afternoon


  1. Wonderful news! A package for you all should be arriving today at RM House

  2. Sounds like Liam is letting you know his needs alright! That's a good thing! Continuing to pray as we know you're anxious to get him home!

    Sheila States
